

Losing my sanity in a souvenir shop
Dublin, Ireland 2014
If you are reading this blog, you probably know me in real life or from somewhere on the Internet. On the off chance you have stumbled across this blog and don't fit into either of those categories, my name is AndreaClaire. I am a cubicle-dweller based in Victoria, BC, Canada. I may suffer from delusions of being the next Michael Palin.

I started this blog for my 2016 trip to Tanzania, East Africa with the intention that I would return to it for some tentative future travel I am currently thinking about. And now I'm doing just that for a return trip to Tanzania.

Why A Rambling Nerd? For starters, I ramble. Both in the ‘leisurely walk without a purpose’ way and the ‘talk or write at length about nothing’ way. (I excel at the second type of ramble.) Also, I’m a nerd – well, technically a geek if you know and understand the difference – and I refer to myself as such on all my social media.

As for my delusions about being the next Michael Palin? I don’t really have delusions of that nature, but if I could emulate any type of writing style, it would be his. I just adore the man. Besides, he gave me one of my life’s greatest mottos:
I always wanted to be an explorer, but – it seemed I was doomed to be nothing more than a very silly person.

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